The Payoff

You are investing a good deal of time and energy completing your DOMSOM course and certification.  “What’s in it for me?” Is likely a question you’ve asked yourself and you have every right to ask!  Bottom line?  It depends.  Not the answer you were looking for we’re sure, but truly, it depends on how you choose to utilize the information you have just learned.  

What’s your goal? What’s your motivation?  Leveraging your DOMSOM education and the tools we’ve provided you gives you a leg up in your establishment.  Want that coveted section where all the big tickets and tips can be achieved?  Want first choice on the schedule to better balance your work and play time? Great!  You have everything you need to increase your wine sales, create great experiences for your customers and as we are about to explore, increase your bottom line in a very real way by focusing on getting more wine off the shelf, out of the cellar and into your customer’s glass!